1390139 发表于 2009-1-31 10:40 只看TA 1楼 |
[交流] 说说新人来到这里的心情,大家多支持~ 偶然一个机会,来到了SIS,初来乍到真是老老进了大观园,到处是繁花似锦,美不胜收。路边有花还不敢乱采,原因是版规挺严,不敢胡说乱说,不敢乱顶 看了不少兄弟被扣分,真还有点如履薄冰的感觉。 昨天发贴问了几个问题,得到了一些朋友的热情回复,深表感谢。 回头打算学习一下,哪天自己也发片做种,好东西与大家共享。 牛年刚刚开始,祝大家一帆风顺,牛气冲天! 也希望大家牛年能支持兄弟一把,感谢~~~ |
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作者的其他主题 |
你绝对没见过这样露性感大腿的 |
成人笑话几则,希望大家喜欢~ |
装个新机子,多大的硬盘最超值! |
说说新人来到这里的心情,大家多支持~ |
论坛的兄弟进来看看,有没有哪位还在用我这样的老机器~ |
请教下,大家是哪种BT软件在本站下载,速度一般有多少~ |
tornit 发表于 2009-1-31 14:24 只看TA 6楼 |
It is definitely an excellent website that once you log in, you will be immediately attracted by the marvellous extensive varieties yet very well organized different Forums. You have come to a right place. You will indulge in SIS for the rest of your life and will never go to the other websites because SIS is the only one which provides everything you need. A little pity is that some forums allow English replyings while some deduct gold coins if replying in English, such as the Adult Novel Area. Sincerely hope the Chief Administrator will set up a very clear cut guide line for all the administrator of all the different forums that no punishment will be given provided the replier in English has made a sensible reply of more than 10 words. (I get this idea from the General Rules and Regulations of SIS) |
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