查看完整版本: [一代综师][BT/BD-MKV/19.43GB]好莱坞骑士.1980.1080P.中文字幕

opiio88 2024-6-17 13:44



[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]◎标  题 好莱坞骑士[/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]◎片  名 The Hollywood Knights[/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]◎年  代 1980[/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]◎产  地 美国[/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]◎类  别 喜剧[/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]◎语  言 英语[/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]◎上映日期 1980-05-30[/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]◎IMDb评分 6.2/10 (5031人评价)[/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]◎IMDb链接 [url]https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080881/[/url][/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]◎豆瓣链接 [url]https://movie.douban.com/subject/1293787/[/url][/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]◎片  长 91 分钟[/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]◎导  演 弗洛伊德·穆楚斯 Floyd Mutrux[/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]◎编  剧 弗洛伊德·穆楚斯 Floyd Mutrux[/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]      Richard Lederer Richard Lederer[/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]◎演  员 米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer[/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]      麦克·宾德尔 Mike Binder[/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]      黛布拉·弗埃 Debra Feuer[/font][/color]

[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]◎简  介[/font][/color]
[color=#303030][font=微软雅黑]    It's Halloween 1965 in Hollywood and is also the last day that a drive in which the hang out of some youths who call themselves the Hollywood Knights will be open. It is being closed because most of the local snobs don't like them so they decided to close the drive in to get rid of them. Now the Knights decide to lash back at those who were responsible. And they try to make the best of the drive in's last night. They also have some new pledges and they have to perform a very daring task. Also one of the Knights is going to Vietnam, so he is making the best of his last day. And another member is having problems with his girlfriend.[/font][/color][font=微软雅黑][color=#303030]

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查看完整版本: [一代综师][BT/BD-MKV/19.43GB]好莱坞骑士.1980.1080P.中文字幕