1. 我是中国相声界的非著名相声演员郭德纲。
My name is Guo Degang, a nameless cross-talker in China.
2. 我们街坊有一孩子,会七八国外国话,什么英语、日语、韩语、南斯拉夫语、北斯拉
夫语,西斯拉夫语······ 反正跟八国联军坐一块对着骂街没问题!跟他说:你听
听相声去吧。“不去!听不懂!”······ 法律不管我早打死他了!会七八国外国
We have a young neighbour who can speak quite a few foreign languages, like
English, Japanese, Korean, Yugoslavic, North Slavic, West Slavic...... Anyway
he cusses fluently with the Allied Forces of the Eight Powers! We suggest him
go enjoy some cross-talks. "No! I don't understand that!"...... I should have
shot him if law permited. He can speak quite a few languages and cannot
understand a piece of cross-talk......
3. 你无耻的样子很有我当年的神韵。
Your shameless behavior quite rhymes with that of mine once upon a time.
4. 孔圣人教导过我们:有主儿的干粮不能碰。
Confucius exhorts us: never set your mind on a married one.
5. 住的房子千疮百孔,一下雨算要了亲命了:外边小雨屋里中雨,外边大雨屋里暴雨,
Such a porous residence blows every time it rains: it rains moderately
indoors when drizzle outside; it rains cat and dog indoors when deluge
outside; it rains sometimes so hard that the whole family shelter in the
6. 我拿自行车别大公共。
I halt the bus by a bicycle.
7. -有一个好消息,有一个坏消息,你先听哪个?
--Which one you wanna listen to first, the good news or the bad one?
--What is the bad one then?
--We are lost. I'v never been to this place before and I'm afraid we'll
have to have bullshit for living later on.
--And the good news?
--Bullshit's everywhere!